  • January 13, 2025
Edition 2025 or 2026? Jason Schreier has a vorahnung

Edition 2025 or 2026? Jason Schreier has a vorahnung

The display of “GTA 6″ is often played with a tension. Allerdings are worth it, Rockstar Games and Take-Two and the planned plans are celebrated.

If it takes longer, it’s time to take a break and do something first Trailer End 2023 rückt die Veröffentlichung von “GTA6” not. The new Rockstar Blockbuster will be officially launched on the market in the fall of 2025.

The fragment after the exact Erscheinungsdatum remains unanswered. Do yourself the Release-Jahr die kieppelt – so mindest nach der Einschätzung by Bloomberg-Journalists Jason Schreier.

GTA 6: Release but first in 2026?

Rockstar Games hates the development of “GTA 6” in the sales figures of internal deadlines, Schreier said in a previous article on Bloomberg. In the new version of Kinda Funny Games a story continued: It is no longer possible to use Hocker, but it will come with more improvements. Going into battle: a release of “GTA 6” in the year 2025 would happen in its “shock years”.

“I would be shocked if it happened a few years later. I think it is true that it will be released, although Rockstar Games will still be released,” said Schreier.

The Entwicklung of Spielen with “Red Dead Redemption 2” said that the Verzögerungen at Rockstar is not Seltenheit. Schreier later fled, which is a release in the year 2026, when Take-Two officially launched for the 2025 plane.

In the first version of Kinda Funny Games you will find “GTA 6” in Sprache.

Red Dead Redemption 2 war on CD project in a theme

In the Show, Schreier is a situation, who started in October 2016 with the CD project and the critically acclaimed “Cyberpunk 2077”. Dabei kam auch “Red Dead Redemption 2” ins Gespräch. “Erscheint im Herbst 2017”, so here’s the deal.

“I am still, who I am in the Leute von CD Projekt wandte und sagte: Ich hoffe, ihr plant Cyberpunk nicht für Herbst 2017″, erklärte Schreier. “Cyberpunk 2077” war schon damals für einen späteren Release planted. The war started a while ago when “Red Dead Redemption 2” was released and only hit the market in October 2018.

“I wasn’t shocked when (GTA 6) was released in 2026. Guilty, it would be a shock, but it wouldn’t work in 2026. I would be shocked if it happened in the herb garden in 2025. Aber im Moment said Take-Two, that’s the way they are now gone,” Schreier continued.

Man müsse schauen, “ob das in een Few Monaten noch der Fall ist”. After getting “GTA 6” in the year 2025, in 2025 it became an “annual video for videos”.

When you are on the beach, it is true that the Schreiers-einschätzung makes a small financial analysis of your trade, if there is a vermutung, which takes place in the course of the sale. In the fall of “GTA 6,” the single version of Blockbuster appears sporting small tattoos on his name.

Branchenweite Auswirkungen des Releases

The content of the release with a combined branch of high relevance: The marketing of “GTA 6” is so large that it influences the strategies of other publishers. Bloomberg reported that the competitive initiative was impressed in its Veröffentlichungstermine, a niece with the title of its competitors.

The herausgeber woolen see, about “GTA 6” the old release timeline was postponed in 2026, here’s it. Darauf afbauend möchten die Publisher respond. Wir message food:

Let’s see the time of the year: Take-Two and Rockstar Games are planning a presentation of “GTA 6” in Herbst 2025. This plan would end up in the Rahmen of the latest messages nor einmal untermauert.

More notifications zu GTA6.

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