  • January 15, 2025
TU students are developing alternatives at Abriss der Platte

TU students are developing alternatives at Abriss der Platte

Architecture student Technical University Berlin in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf have a sanitary concept for the Plattenbau in der Habersaathstraße 40–48 in Mitte entwickelt. After the education was completed, research began at the university and broadcasting, against the minimally invasive study that woolen, with the TU Berlin in mind.

Das Gebäude in Habersaathstraße is the Schwesternwohnheim der Charity. Since the year 2019, we have been in the center for a healthy lifestyle. In the winter of 2022/2023, the Räumlichkeiten of active activities would be practiced, such as Obdachlose zogen ein. Letztere dürfen after a Gerichtsurteil offiziell in the Räumlichkeiten living and since here also reported, so Elisabeth Broermann, Professor at a TU and architecture expert. After a long series of efforts in August 2024 den Abriss des Wohnblocks.

“The Theme of Integrity, Learning, Spekulation, Attractive Mieten and Verdrängung have been rarely discussed in the Architekturlehre,” said Boermann. Roads a contribution to solidarity with the controversies in the countryside for a sanierungskonzept on those cases that have fallen. De Altmieter, ehemalige Obdachlose und der Anwohner-Initiative würden in de Ideenfindung.

It’s an idea from the students

Due to the minimal group shape that can be used, the living and living spaces become shaped, a beispielsweise different life phases and nutzer anzusprechen. While sogenannte Schalträume dies with an erased long term and flexible passions. Somewhere on a balcony or loggia, the fireplace for more light and illumination makes the courtyard courtyard look Living space more Qualität geben, so die Professorin.

If any of the following can be purchased a home, the best structure can be changed. It is very important to improve the architectural architecture and create a comprehensive infrastructure. “It is important that part of society and the cultural sector makes a choice whether to cover part of the social sector and infrastructure, makes a choice about an electoral market or a medical care system,” says Boermann. A Vorstellung der Ergebnisse beim Bezirk steht noch aus, ist aber in Planung und Abstimmung.

The Institute for Architecture of the TU Berlin has been given a German name as a nachhalten architectural force, inspired by the Bauwende. The Leitbild “Zukunft Umbauen” is the financing of the resource-entitled and community-anchoring. Professor Broermann has the architect of the TU Berlin as a political intellectual intellectual being, the nachhaltige promenade and gesellschaftliche responsibility in the middle punkt-rücke. The area of ​​Broermann is developing itself in the Wintersemester with the Sanierung van Bestandsgebäuden in Brandenburg en der Havel, een Lösungen für de landlichen Raum zu find.

Consider reading this for other Gebäude übertragen

The project in Habersaathstraße is being constructed as Type WBS 70. “That’s a very serious matter. What is not the architectural and energetic sanitary developments that are the social and cultural aspects of berücksichtigen“, writes the professor in the current.

Another community with the RWTH Aachen initiierten Ringvorlesung “Gemeinsam für die Bouwende” in the summer semester 2024 after 14 Hochschulen in deutschsprachigen Raum teil. The digital 850 version allows you to progress the ‘Architects for Future’ discussion. Elisabeth Broermann concretes, there is an interdisziplinaire Ansatz die erolgreiche Durchführung der Bauuwend ermöglichen.

Quelle: TU Berlin

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