  • January 15, 2025
Make all the wider positions: the career of the first Bundesrichterin

Make all the wider positions: the career of the first Bundesrichterin

Am 4. December 1974 with Margrith Bigler-Eggenberger the first time a woman appeared in the first advice of Schweiz. If the Eidgenössische Parlament goes to war over a handful of intrigues, it is not like they are cleared up.

The Swiss had been involved in law since 1971, in the Federal economy and in the waters of the sea. Zwölf Frauen suck damals ins Eidgenössische Parlament ein.

Three years ago, I was 4. December 1974, see more details Premiere: Margrith Bigler-Eggenberger (1933–2022) was the first woman to be judged in the Federal Court.

The women’s careers were able to survive as youth bright: Margrith Bigler-Eggenberger lived in a happy and politically involved family in the Canton of St. Gallen.

Ihre Mutter led the social-democratic Frauengruppe in Uzwil. In the Second World War in Gemeindeammann, before the Regierungsrat and the National and Ständerat regimes came to work.

The Eltern states that the Zweiten Weltkriegs de Frontisten und nahmen Flüchtlinge auf. After the criticism came in, a few people fell and one of them helped a woman out of the fight – who wurden to Vorbild for her.

Anwaltskanzleien de Mannern vorbehalten

The young Margrith is traveling to the Matura zum Jurastudium after Zurich and Geneva. Schon damals want Richterin to become. This war is unrealistic, which means that there is a question of: “Ohne Stimm- en Wahlrecht could not weld those Frauen in a Richterposition.”

The first steps taken in the Studium are the Anwaltspatent approach. Go to a Praktikumsplatz. When there is no more war, a woman will rise. Schliesslich kam sie bei an Amtsgericht under.

Margrith Bigler-Eggenberger

In 1974, Margrith Bigler-Eggenberger’s new Bundesrichter was published in Strauss Blumen. Zuvor were ihr jedoch Steine ​​​​in den Road be laid.


Nur mit der Zustimmung des Ehemanns

With the patent on the touch of the hereditary heir of Margrith Bigler-Eggenberger a Stelle in Canton Bern. Auf Wunsch ihres Ehemanns would be about time.

There are many statements that can be made: the woman is now busy revising the Eherechts 1988 of the first version of Mannes.

Bigler-Eggenberger knelt in the fight against the war in active Frauen organizations. Kaal is left by St. Gallen University and an engagement with a criminal justice system.

This Tätigkeit would go to Sprungbrett: 1972 comb Bigler-Eggenberger as Ersatzrichterin and Bundesgericht. While the candidacies for the post were an orderly aimer in the 1974 war, there was no denial whatsoever.

Manipulierter Lebenslauf

There is no mention of anything that has to do with the regular gang: the lawyers schicked in the battle with their qualifications and parliament, which separated their entire Wahl. Leave the Lebenslauf comb in National and Ständerat new.

Notice that the effects of the damage to the Canton of St. Gallen in the state are coming to an end. If the underlays are schliesslich in hand, it is a good thing that the federal Bundesrichter or Jahrzehnte später begins.

There is a fragment that takes up part of life and now no longer works, it is a practical exercise and a better equipment. You will find the relevant qualifications in the underlying layers.

Ungeklärte Täterschaft

It is not possible that Bigler-Eggenberger’s Lebenslauf mothers are sisters. Die Historikerin Elisabeth Joris spricht von einem Skandal.

“If there is a war going on with the revelations of the Haltung frauen, it will never happen that Gleiche enters the Einführung des Stimm- en Wahlrechts. If you put a stop to legal protection, underlayers of errors.»

Joris, Elisabeth: Portrait: Margrith Bigler-Eggenberger. In: Schmid, Denise (Hg.): Jeder Frau ihre Stimme. 50 Jahre Schweizer Frauengeschichte 1971–2021. Baden 2020. S. 73–79. (Here + Jetzt Verlag)

But the Intrigue said Wirkung: Bigler-Eggenberger wurde eingewählt – wenn auch nur knapp. You will be contacted directly by Kochtopf and the Federal Court.


First Bundesrichterin wehte ein rauer Wind entgegen. If you spend a long period of time in Lausanne, the deprived schools are schnitten or ignored by the world. If there is a problem, you may be able to do it.

So when you see the constitutional description of a sex worker, the place of employment of the city of Zurich is no longer a lie. Bigler-Eggenberger argued that trade and commerce liberation created gelt prostitution.

An absent Urteil, the sex work-on-moral Wertung als berufliche Tätigkeit einstufte, thus the Historikerin Elisabeth Joris.

Margrith Bigler-Eggenberger poses

Sett themselves to be separate as a Federal Judge in furtherance of the Frauenrechte in: Margrith Bigler-Eggenberger.

Keystone / Christian Beutler

A massive role played by the Bundesrichter in 1977 during the current Lohngleichheitsprozess. A Lehrerin has obtained a constitutional Beschwerde gegen Lohndiskriminierung eingereicht and Recht.

Preface «Kindsmörderin»

Moreover, Bigler-Eggenberger supports his political positions. If you use one of the criminal cases of the Schwangerschaftsabbruch, this may be different. It is true that the Federal Court has found a “Kindsmörderin” action.

Nor a year before my death, I remember: «That struck me. Das hat den Bogen überspannt.»

Selbst von Parteifreundinnen seis sie cases be welded. You have to be a feminist losung-fest: ‘Das Private ist politic.’

Zukunftstraum geht in Erfüllung

External linkBigler-Eggenberger war the only Frau am Bundesgericht for 17 years. Since 1994 it has been a fact that it takes a while to get to 15 women.

Ihr Wunsch ist mittlerweile erüllt: Of the 40 main posts, 15 are occupied by women. I went to Bigler-Eggenberger as a Pioneer – all with pride.