  • February 14, 2025
Umbruch in Syria – Extremist world Politiker: Was Al-Dschulani factory in Syria? – Politics

Umbruch in Syria – Extremist world Politiker: Was Al-Dschulani factory in Syria? – Politics

Damascus (dpa) – Nach Tagen voler Gewalt en Chaos in Syria It is a moment when the orderly statement is made: The rebel leader Abu Mohammed al-Dschulani says on the Tisch with the bisherigen Prime Minister Mohammed al-Dschalali. The conversation begins as a power grab after long years of civil war, while the Islamists continued to prevail. The aim of the video mitschnitt is a war with a Botschaft nach außen: See her, the Dschihadist von früher is prepared and reif for a Rolle als zugänglicher Anführer.

Millions of Syrians who follow the direction in the Australian country are in favor of fragmentation: Where is that man, what will the sequel look like, and what form of Gesellschaft is being pursued in Syria? The rebel bündnis, the leader of the Al-Dschulanis Islamistengruppe Haiat Tahrir al-Scham (HTS), has started an Übergangsregierung with the Bildung by the Sturz of Machthaber Baschar al-Assad. Was danach folgt, ist unknown.

Zuvor im harten Kern dschihadistieker Gruppen

This extremist pervasiveness will put an end to Al-Dschulani’s ability. There are three things in the HTS training with the civilian name Ahmed al-Scharaa on a turban of the Dchihadists, which has never before started with the civil war in 2011. I have been interviewed with the US-Sender PBS 2021 about the American instruction of HTS as a terrorist organization as ‘dishonest’ and as ‘political labeller’. Including the US erwägen non, the Gruppe von der Liste zu streichen.

Ohne Zweifel zählte Al-Dschulani, born in Saudi Arabia in 1982 and born in Damascus, long zum hearts Kern dschihadistiek Gruppierungen. After the American invasion of Iraq in 2003, the extremist group started in the US Gefangenschaft in 2005. Dort soll is an ideology that has been eradicated and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi knows, the späteren Anführer der Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS). After Al-Qaeda took over the Al-Qaeda terrorist network, Al-Baghdadi moved to Syria in 2011, one of the IS activists through the life of Al-Nusra-Front. Al-Dschulani earned an amount of US$50,000.

Zwar says that Al-Dschulani wants to retain the power of IS and Al-Qaeda for longer and wants to distance itself from the “extreme” Taktik. In 2017, HTS – the “Organization of Syria Goers” – was founded with a passionate extremist group in northwestern Syria. After the writing has fallen on the facade and the deformation, the HTS is brought into position as a controlling force.

Gemischte Eindrücke der HTS-Herrschaft in Idlib

In Idlib in the North West, we have HTS over four million people who have spent their time here, and they will continue to do so in the end. Menschenrechtler has tortured and raised political gegner documentation. An opposition party wrote the magazine ‘Foreign Policy’ 2017, Al-Dschulani and his men saw ‘Fullwertige Al-Kaida-Mitglieder’ and ‘the Holz-schnitzt with Assad’, which went through his own Volk-vorging on a large scale.

Hunderte has been protesting for years against Al-Dschulani, who has been described as Tyrann in an authoritarian system. One of the US dollars has made money on Al-Dschulani in the amount of the Millionen US-Dollar bestht bis heute. It is a matter of frost, it is a free and fair Wahlen who can enjoy.

Fewer strict rules if “beim IS oder in Saudi Arabia”

Zugleich is in Idlib a Christian and Drusen gegenüber offensive and nun on the Schutz and the Kurdish Gemeinde time. If Idlib is ermöglichte, a woman is an active company and a der Gesellschaft, or if there is no Frau in the örtlichen Verwaltung-arbeitete. There are rules for the Grundlagen der Scharia, these apply to “not the standards of IS or Saudi Arabia”. HTS has not incurred any debts, women cannot completely change, Raucher will rauchen.

The new Head of Government Mohammed al-Baschir, who is Head of Government in Idlib, is committed to ensuring the right of all Syrers. “Those are false stories about an Islamic group that has done this, man may be in the West, Muslim is linked to terrorism and Islam is linked to extremism,” he said in an interview. There is an incorrect Darstellung.

Al-Dschulani must be a Taten messenger lassen

For a positive experience, it was worth it. Al-Dschulani had a Taten message after the Fernseh teams from Syria gathered and set the country on fire. While the Afghan Taliban, the Al-Dschulani as a source of inspiration, apply stricter rules than after the 2021 seizure of power.

When he said the “initiative to launch a PR operation would take longer,” wrote Syria expert Aaron Zelin of the Washington Institute. A ‘Regierung auf Grundlage von Institutionen’ and a ‘vom Volk gewählter Rat’, while Al-Dschulani was hurt in the CNN interview for Syrians, can ensure that the Regierungsformen change.

The goal is authoritarian rule in a country with an Islamic principle that supports one of the ideologies of IS or the Taliban. The British sender BBC focused on a “moderate dissociation” with a “pragmatic view with the leading role in ideology”, the IS and Al-Qaeda in the letter Zeit en Einfluss verlieren ließen. It is true that people at home and abroad are calling for a stop to the Islamist crackdown in their own courts.

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