  • February 18, 2025
Instagram star Alica Schmidt looks forward to the high training battle for the 800-meter premiere in Dortmund

Instagram star Alica Schmidt looks forward to the high training battle for the 800-meter premiere in Dortmund

Alica Schmidt dares the Neuanfang: The Instagram Ikone and Olympionikin, who is advancing in Ingolstadt, has arrived at the 400 meters in the 800 meter distance.

With intensive training sessions in South Africa and my first English Vlog, the 26-year-old said, who is his “Komfortzone” herauskämpft. On January 18, 2018, Meilenstein will vote for the next competition for the double stadium run during the Indoor Meeting in Dortmund.

At 2100 Metern Höhe in South Africa

It is also a bad idea: the only way Alica Schmidt makes in die Wochen nicht aus. Sowohl in der Versorgung ihrer fast sechs Millionen Follower on Instagram as in ihrer sportlichen Karriere with the Wechsel of the 400 meters on the 800 meters distance. Who are the first writers of the new Karriere story, which is written in 26-Jährige, dies in Ingolstadt, is a video book from South Africa and the first in English.

Read here, where Follow the “Staffelzoff” at the Olympia hat

If you are “complete with comfort zone”, say the Olympic Games in the room – and bat um (sprachliche) Nachsicht – , was in Bezug auf de Comfortfaktor gleich in double Hinsicht gelten kannnn: for the first friendly Vlog of the Days in Höhentrainingslager and on the way to the second round of the stadium – one distance, which is another Rerangeben if a great effort has been made. “Let’s give it a try,” findet the Insta-Königin of Leichtathletik. Einen Versuch (“Shot”) were in the English Vlog – in tadelloser Ausführung übrigens – wie auch der Streckenwechsel auf alle Fälle wert.

At Olympia in the 4×400 meter Staffeln am Start

The origin of the bishherigen Trott, is the soul. New Travel sets. After all, there will be two Olympia-Teilnahme and the Einsätzen in the Mixed-beziehungsweise Frauen-Staffel über 4×400 Meter and this big walk here, a “seemliche Changezum zumsten Jahr” for Augen. At 2100 meters, the Wahl-Berliner in South Africa is a training camp for an international group for a while, that is at all high. Among the slow Mitteldistanzlers, Jan Petrac went into the Nest Dullstroom, while going through the Autostunden of Johannesburg, one of the Grundlagenausdauer, the Schmidt will go through the Hallentijd and then the Freiluftzeit tragedy.

Majtie Kolberg is Training Partner

Zwischen Zirkeltraining, Steigerungsläufen und Laktatmessung blieb voor allem erkenntnis: The Laufumfänge has a grim erhöht. Früher with “Sprinter Training” at 400 meters read more about “10 to 15 km in the week”, according to Schmidt, but since it fell, more fell. Die Anpassung verlaufe aber gut, weil “schmerzfrei” – and with greater motivation. It seems that in Majtie Kolberg he is the best German 800-meter laurel as a training kollegin on this page, while he is a DLV athlete, in 2023 and 2024 up to 2:00.00 minutes.

Beim Indoor Meeting in Dortmund am Start

Die Uhr tickt auch für Schmidt schon: Sie fiebert ihrem Wettkampfdebüt in der Halle entgegen. Am 18. Januar goes to the Indoor-Meeting in Dortmund on the 800 meters in Angriff, and there is a first impression, who is the sports zone in the sports zone.

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