  • February 11, 2025
Brotprofi verrät Recipe: “Einfach goodes Brot” zuhause backen

Brotprofi verrät Recipe: “Einfach goodes Brot” zuhause backen

I’m just like the brother of professional Ricardo Fischer who has made millions with his own words. Nun hat der Bäckermeister sein erstes Buch veröffentlicht en verrät, was good Brot auspower and who is also in secret ofen gelingt.

  • Brotprofi Ricardo Fischer öffentlicht Brotback-Buch
  • Bäckermeister gives tips and tricks for “einfach gutes Brot”
  • Recipe for the final living of the world

Brot gilded in Deutschland as Kulturgut. A time when Corona has emerged into a lifestyle trend is the Internet Erobert hat. The Leipzig Bäckermeister Ricardo Fischer is one of the most influential brothers in the Federal Republic. As “Brotprofi” Millionen Nutzer:innen on Instagram, TikTok and Co. with their tips for the secret backup. Not that Fischer’s first book is revealed and revealed as a mystery for “Einfach goodes Brot”.

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“Einfach goodes Brot”: Brotprofi Ricardo Fischer tells Bäckergeheimnisse

“It is important to have a good understanding, which brings you joy and success. The strength of freshly baked bread, the quality of the food you see, the happiness, the strength of your own hands, and the view of the gold brauns, der aus dem Ofen kommt – alles das power to enjoy a special experience”, the spirit of the Brot-Sommelier. One of the best things we can do now is work by hand, Fischer explains. Play a role with a role for a long time. If you don’t know that it is a complex Aromen, the spätererbrot is a German bekömmlicher and a longer dumbbell.

With a book “Einfach gutes Brot” the Bäckermeister can inspire People zum Brotbacken. Dafür liefert Ricardo Fischer neben 30 Rezepten für Grundteige auch jede Menge Expertenwissen. The Brotprofi erklart was a good Brot force, who had a Sauerteig approach and guarantee, was the Stockgare and wie Brotteig dehnt, faltet and rund work. Fischer sets out to make clear calculations as well as over-sighted writing-for-writing-anletungen. It is a special way of combining tips and tricks.

“When you are at the end of the Tages, Brot does not warm, the Kruste crackles and the first Bissen de Gaumen crackles,” Fischer writes. “Dann weißt du: Es hat sich gelohnt.” Is there a Geschmackprobe gefällig?

Recipe for the final living of the world

“The whole meal is a good meal with plenty of food. It comes with our own hands. It’s a great experience. And it’s quicker too. It’s easy to get by in a few
Minutes, the rest is of itself über Nacht,” Fischer writes in his own post.

The end of the world with food (Photo)

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It is one of the best breads of the Welt with Hefe Image: ZS/31Media GmbH, Ben Fuchs



  • 9:50 p.m.: Hauptteig zbereiten
  • 22 Uhr to 10 Uhr am Zweiten Tag: 12 Std. Stockgare


  • 9.55 am: Vorheizen
  • 10am: Forming
  • 10.10 to 10.40 Hours: 30 Min. Stuckgare
  • 10.40 am: Backing up
  • 11.20 am: Brot fertig

Weitere Hinweise

  • Getreide: Weizen
  • Triebmittel: Hefe
  • Teigkonsistenz: heavy
  • Time: 13 Std. 30 minutes
  • Time at Backtag: 1 Std. 25 minutes
  • Return time: 40 Min.
  • Counter temperature: 250 °C
  • Schwaden: beim Einschießen

Zutaten für 1 Brot with approx. 850 grams

Main course:

  • 600 Grams Weizenmehl Type 550
  • 420 Grams of kaltes Wasser
  • 12 Grams Salz
  • 0.6 Grams of fresh Hefe
  • ausserdem Gries zum Arbeiten


  • beef Gärkorb with approx. 22 Zentimeter Durchmesser
  • Backstahl or Backblech & Backpaper


Hauptteig: Alle Zutaten in een Schüssel von Hand mischen.

Stock garage: The roof is covered at ambient temperature 12 Stundenreifen lassen. The volume has completely doubled.

Preparation: The Backofen etwa 30 Minutes voor the Backen including Backblech/Backstahl at 250 °C Upper/Unterheatze preheizens.

Shape: Den Teig cleaned on a work-fläche chicken coated with groats. From all of us, 4 days in a row in the middle of the day.

Piecework: The pieces should be left open in one piece with the grist bestreuten, empty the pieces and be covered at room temperature for 30 minutes until they are ¾ warmed up. Thats
Einschießen bei ¾ -Gare gibt a wunderbaren Offentrieb.

Backen: The Teigling on a bemehlten Schießer or a bemehltes Brett stürzen (Schluss unten) and in the Backofen einschießen. Sofort schwaden. 40 minutes back.

"Einfach gutes Brot" von Ricardo Fischer (photo)

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“Einfach gutes Brot” by Ricardo Fischer Image: ZS Verlag

More Recipe and jede Menge Tipps and Tricks beef ums Brotbacken gibt’s in Buch:

  • Title: “Einfach goodes Brot”
  • Author: Ricardo Fischer
  • Verlag: ZS Verlag, 2024
  • Seitenzahl, Boekart: 224, hardcover
  • Price: 34.00 Euro
  • ISBN: 978-3965844575

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