  • February 14, 2025
Autofahrer stirs nach Crash met Baum! There is no question of self-harm in the Vehicle Wrack

Autofahrer stirs nach Crash met Baum! There is no question of self-harm in the Vehicle Wrack

At Wangen in the Allgäu power of a car, a Baum is created. Obwohl der Fahrer sich noch aus dem Auto befreite and ein Hubschrauber ihn ins Krankenhaus brought, starb there.

A 84-year-old Seat-Fahrer is at the service day after 21 hours on the Straße between cheeks and humbrechts allinbeeiligt von der Fahrbahn abgekommen and gegen a Baum geprallt. The Ursache for the Unfall has not been cleared by law nor restlos.

Mann stirs after Unfall at Wangen in Krankenhaus

The car was moved after the collision on the car, but the car was on the road. The 84-year-old Fahrer can only come from its own standard from the Fahrzeugwrack. Passers-by fly through the medical care from 84-Jährigen and understand the Rettungsdienst. After the man was taken to a hospital with a retungshubschrauber, we were there at the end of the day. The Fahrzeug must be removed. The voluntary Feuerwehr war with fünf Fahrzeugen and knapp 20 Einsatzkräften am Unfallort eingesetzt.