  • February 18, 2025
T2 Metals provides high-quality Gesteinssplitter-Kupferergebnisse von Project Copper Eagle in Nevada

T2 Metals provides high-quality Gesteinssplitter-Kupferergebnisse von Project Copper Eagle in Nevada

Finanznachrichten News

Vancouver (British Columbia) – December 11, 2024 / IRW-Press / T2 Metals Corp. (“T2” or the “Unternehmen”) (TSX-V: TWO) (OTCQB: TWOSF) (WKN: A2DR6E) you are aware of the comprehensive nature of the field testing programs in the Autumn 2024 with 100% individual knowledge of the Gold-Projekt Copper Eagle in Douglas County in Nevada can not be eaten. More large historical construction projects and developments lie in the vicinity of 50 km from Copper Eagle, one of the Kupfermine Anaconda in Yerington, the Mason projects of Hudbay Minerals and the Mine Pumpkin Hollow of Kinterra Capital (siehe Abbildung 1).

Während des Probennahmeprogramms im Herbst 2024 localisierte das Feldteam von T2 Metals zahlreiche Schürfgräben, die von Smith Copper in de 1960er und 1970er Jahren wurden, entnahm 21 representative Gesteinssplitter- und Schlitzproben, wobei Festgestein freigelegt wurde. The investigation is best in the arrangement of felsic intrusives and displaces in the contact with the contact persons. If you notice an oxide copper mineralization on the upper surface of Copper Eagle, the analysis results indicate that the highest copper content in a broad area of ​​450 to 150 m from the hand – even though small mineralization is visible. The performance of the combined projects and tests ranges from 0.11 to 2.07%, or approximately 0.78%. The Silbergehalt range from 0.17 to 6.05 g/t, with a cut of 1.82 g/t. The basic analysis data can be found in Table 1.

If you undertake more of the work, you can investigate more elements with an analysis of a TerraSpec multispectral scanner, one of the mineral raw materials and other lager states in Nevada in the vergleichen.

Table 1: Analyze des Gesteinssplitterprobennahmen de Copper Eagle. (UTM zone 11N, WGS84)

Probe no.




Kupfer (%)

Silver (g/t)





































The analysis and modification profiles stimulate an oxidized zone, which hangs with a porphyric Kupfer mineralization in the factory and is the Ausbiss area of ​​the nearby Lagerstätte Yerington. Schwefelspuren in the Proben 1030171 and 1030173 at Copper Eagle, which has a relatively unprocessed part of the mineralization extraction, weisen auf the Vorkommen von Kupfer in Form von Sulfiden sisterätzlich zu the Carbonates and Oxides hin, which in the central Teil des openenen Gebiets bar shame.

“Thanks to historical analysis and new insights, we know how the Copper Eagle has the potential to deliver a Porphyry-Kupferlagerstätte,” said Mark Saxon, President and CEO of T2 Metals Corp. 2024 A geophysical plan study may have been completed for the Copper Eagle, which is concerned with the study of the Copper Eagle in Reno. Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten mit Vertragspartnern en Beratungsunternehmen zu erörtern.

T2 Metals’ North American project portfolio in combination with the strong shares of Kupfer, Silber and Gold power T2 Metals Corp. with good positioning of companies.”

Image 1: Standort des Projekts Copper Eagle in Nevada

Image 2: Ausbissprobennahme, Projekt Copper Eagle, Nevada

The Kupfer Copper Eagle Project is located in Douglas County, Nevada, approximately 13 miles (21 km) south of Carson City and 20 miles (32 km) northwest of Yerington. The nearby Yerington mountain farming area is a productive Kupfer production area and more high-quality Kupfer mines and bearing states, typically Yerington (162 million with a content of 0.54% Cu) and Ann Mason (2.2 billion with a content of 0.29% Cu). The project has been approved by the BLM and can be easily seen with guidance on the best route of the Nevada State Route 395.

Copper Eagle is located inside the Mineralgürtels Walker Lane, following on from the first class Porphyr and Skarn-Kupfer projects. The last exploration at Copper Eagle lasted 50 years before a Konsortium of Eigentümern (I. Smith, J. Smith and P. Gerken) developed an upper flächennahen alluvial cover schicht bedeutsame Zonen with an oxidizers Kupfermineralisierung. The original investigations of the Explorationsunternehmens, the T2 Metals vom Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology were carried out, said, that with Schürfgrabungen at Copper Eagle a Sulfid- and Oxid-Kupfermineralisierung in a mindestens 500 mold 200 m großen Area entdeckt wurde (laut a Message the thoughtful geologists Majid Shokohi for Smith Copper, 1971).

All studies can be carried out by analyzes and multispectral scans and transport from ALS Global in Reno (Nevada). The probes are carried out with four measurements and an analysis of the ICP-MS analysis (ME-MS61) so that the measurements are carried out with four measurements and ICP analysis with 0.4-g analysis (Cu-OG62) in the study to cross-border analysis. You can perform all studies with Königswasser extraction and ICP-MS-Abschluss with 50-g analysis (Au-ST44) on gold analysis.

In the field probes, branches of research can be used for the tests and the start-up procedure for merging the probe strands. The use of “mineral”, “mineral” or “mineralizing sun” provides a complete description and not as a basis for a resource or economic assessment of the projects that are interpreted or reinterpreted over time.

Mark Saxon, Chief Executive Officer of the Unternehmens and a representative of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, which participates in the Australian Institute of Geoscientists, condoned the press conference.

Uber T2 Metals Corp (TSX.V: TWEE) (OTCQB: TWOSF) (WKN: A2DR6E)

T2 Metals Corp. is a founder of Kupfer- and Edelmetallunternehmen, which increases shareholder value during the exploration and development of the company. The investigation of this study is based on an investigation of the Sherridon, Lida, Cora and Copper Eagle projects, which cover the mineralization of deck surfaces with higher geological features in the larger mines.

I am the name of the Board of Directors

“Mark Saxon”

Mark Saxon

Chairman & CEO

For more information please contact:

1305 – 1090 West Georgia St., Vancouver, BC, V6E 3V7

mailto:[email protected]

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Best information in this press conference provides zukunftsoriented information dar. Zukunftsgerichtte Aussagen since oft, aber nicht immer, an der Verwendung von Wörtern wie “suchen”, “antizipieren”, “planen”, “fortsetzen”, “schätzen”, “erwarten”, “können”, “werden”, “beabsichtigen” , “könnten”, “sollten”, “glauben” und ähnlichen Ausdrücken erkennbar. Zukunftsoriented outsourcing takes place on the Meinungen und Erwartungen der Geschäftsleitung of the Unternehmens zum Zeitpunkt des Inkrafttretens Solcher Aussagen and in the best cases of information, which is sold or disseminated from Dritten. Obwohl das Unternehmen davon ausgeht, dass die erwartungen, die sich in de Zukunftsgerichten Aussagen, more broadly, auf vernünftigen Annahmen beruhen and die die von diese Erwartungen, een Informationen is verlässig sind, kann das unternehmen nicht gerene, die sich diese Erwartungen as correct erweisen. The instructors were warned that they would remove a number of things from the weld in a targeted manner.

These zukunftsgerichten are a journey of risks and surprises. The tactile experience can be different from the experiences that are taken in the context of these aspects. Dementia can influence the consequences of the disease, which occur in the health-oriented, Aussagen-prognosticating words. You can take your exploration a step further with active discoveries. Investors and other persons, who have looked for deferred investments during their divorce, can take a closer look at the generated factories and other non-interested companies and in some cases not return to a solution for deferred investments. If you don’t work, it’s not like you can make a purposeful expenditure, if you do, because the paper is elongated.

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