  • February 18, 2025
From being a student and being a manager in Germany: Meine Karriere

From being a student and being a manager in Germany: Meine Karriere

Vom Studentenjob zum General Manager: Serge Oliver Mbock-Bayap is responsible for the success of his work and that his efforts are successful. Erfahrt, some of the following fragments are in different Führungspositionen ausgemacht hat and welche Tipps are angehenden Führungskräften gibt. Unless all details are with BI+

Serge Olivier Mbock-Bayap became one of the two General Managers at Safrin Cabin Germany four years ago. At the Flugzeugausstatter führt there are 350 Mitarbeiter. Dabei were seine Anfänge in Deutschland modest

As a young Kamerunischer student, he received a cash prize of 550 euros during his first years in Germany. Financing is one of the best Hilfs jobs that have Australian time or housing costs.

Schon in seiner ersten Stelle stieg is innerhalb von zwei Jahren zur gefragten Führungskraft auf. Who bought it and the old company was, erzählt is a for Business Insider.