  • February 18, 2025
Natural schützers like Rotbauchunke, Kiebitz and Ringelspinners

Natural schützers like Rotbauchunke, Kiebitz and Ringelspinners

Beef 70 Teilnehmer zählte the natural protection factor Tagung, die der Förderverein Feldberg-Uckermärkische Seenlandschaft eV after more years Pause with a single organization. Guests are not from the Uckermark and the Raum Feldberg, among the native Schutzgebieten, from the Ruppiner Land, from Fachhochschulen from Neubrandenburg and Eberswalde.

Die Möglichkeit des Erfahrungsaustauschs nutzten auch Naturwatcher, Students and Gymnasiasts. Vereinsvorsitzender Frank Spundflasch and Geschäftsstellenleiter Rüdiger Mauersberger said about the great überregional Resonance on the Veranstaltung, in the Experts über Nature Conservation Projects and the Zustand verschiedener geschützter Arten and Biotope in the both accessible Nature Parks of the Feldberg-Uckermärkischen Seelandschaft message food.

Artenschutzprojekte is being carried out

So it is another country that has a land of its own for the population of the German Germany population that has become Frankfurter Ringelspinners, an Ergebnisse of the Rotbauchunken-Projekt near Brüsenwalde and the LIFE-Projekt of Bachmuschel. Referees have had great confidence in the investigation of the large mausoleums with Hilfe von GPS-Technik for errors. Ensure that there are a large number of inspection monitoring on the Beweidungsflächen in the “Knehdener Alpen”, the brutvogel monitoring on the Grünlandflächen of the Fördervereins, Ergebnisse at the Wiederansiedlung des Rebhuhnes. The theme was that the Zustand of Moorflächen was the Seechen, the Mewenbruchs and the Moorflächen in the Stadt Templin.

Wasserrückhalt in the Landschaft and Moorschutz is a Querschnittsthemen in the Nature Conservation and beeinfussen and fells Stellen the Erhalt der Artenvielfalt.

Wasserrückhalt in the Landschaft and Moorschutz is a Querschnittsthemen in the Nature Conservation and beeinfussen and fells Stellen the Erhalt der Artenvielfalt. (Photo: Sigrid Werner)

In the discussion about the Tagungsteilnehmer festival, which shows all projects that the Sicherung van Artenvielfalt and Lebensräumen maßgeblich vom Wasserrückhalt in der Landschaft abhängt, der es Pflanzen and Tieren ermöglicht, in the Trockenperiods in 2018/2019 are überstehen, so Vereinsvorsitzender Frank Spundflasch. There are positive consequences for the Moorbewässerungsmaßnahmen, which will be used to stabilize the decaying population in Raum Warthe, Rosenow and Saugarten, which will facilitate the drainage of water. Man is free from an improved enterprise with the domestic landwirtschaftlicher Flächen, which is examined at the Bearbeitung in the Flächen nature conservation interests and through the know-how in herd management and the Mahd regime that could generate orderly erträgerieren, such as Heide Wonitzki vom Förderverein. Soul is still one of the things to do if you have any questions. Once you know that nature conservation is no longer necessary, the landwirte will leave, even if the feuchte flächen have not yet been taken care of.

Hotspot of the Frankfurter Ringelspinners in the nature park

So go to the Fördervereinsflächen inzwische Hotspots for bedroom art, zum Beispiel auf Sanderflächen at Thürkshof and in the Knehden Alps for the Frankfurter Ringelspinner. Marion Rumpf was able to report on the brutal follow-up of Heidelerche and Kiebitz in the Wiedervernässten Densow-Niederung. Zwar würden weise durchreisende Kiebitze in der Uckermark in meer Zahl gesichtet, aber dass vier Brutpaare in der Densowniederung auch bruten, sei a besonderer Erfolg, so Rüdiger Mauersberger.

Enjoy some wonderful natural surroundings. Das Mewenbruch bei Densow trockne roads des Klimawandels zunehmend aus. It wasn’t that easy to stop.

Alex has a great bachelor's experience with a Moores in Buchheide.

Alex has a position that he is interested in Bachelor work for Entwicklung a Moores in the Buchheide vor. (Photo: Sigrid Werner)

Alex Häberlein, student of the Fachhochschule Eberswalde, stated Ergebnisse Seiner Bachelorarbeit about the Entwicklung der Lausegrabenmoores in der Buchheide vor. The Moor is open again in 45 years. The weather is degrading, but people live since the middle of the 18th year. Ziels is an agricultural and forestry company of the most common Wiesen and Wälder companies, one of the high demands on Moore there is. The student does not have any experience with the study process, and will continue to participate in the conversation. It seems this is not the case, we have been owners for between 20 and 25 years. If the city of Templin passes through the student, he can attack Ohren. Die wolle den Waldumbau vorantreiben.