  • February 11, 2025
Fluggesellschaften: Am Bodenbleiben | SAY ONLINE

Fluggesellschaften: Am Bodenbleiben | SAY ONLINE

It has become zum schlechten Brauch, als Unternehmen, because it has become shy, after the state rufen. Now that Ryanair chief Michael O’Leary has abolished or senken the state-owned airline agency in Germany. Well-known of man, the society is a good society because it is powerful, the regional flights in the province are very important.

If the subsidies are eliminated, countries are likely to use more Ryanair-Maschinen. Jetzt will be O’Leary Strecken streichen, weil de Regierung angeblich zu fell abkassiert. Privates Geschäft ohne statliche Hilfe shines for the CEO of an Aktiengesellschaft who no longer has an option.

With Forderung’s blessing, O’Leary is not alone. Auch Jens Bischof, chef of Eurowings and chairman of the Bundesverbandes der Deutschen Luftverkehrswirtschaft, class about the high costs in Standort Deutschland, warned against teasing Tickets and schlechterer Anbindung deutscher Flughäfen.

Politics did not disappear that autumn. Then you can die gestiegen Gebühren There are no costs associated with personal checks, the flight and the safety of air freight. While the cost blockade of the Luftverkehrs is a political arbitrariness, there is an Australian airline that no longer has a Kerosinsteuer.

If the Fluggesellschaften now move on, the state-owned company believes that the Bund, and also all Steuerzahler, cannot finance more than part of the flight financing. That’s unfair.

The airlines are not seeking to remove Strecken, we will not make any effort here. Sometimes it is the case that the subsidies from Ausland are taken over by Margen. It is sollte der Bund nicht ausgleichen. If the money is in, it is true that these subventions are notorious, another couple was braucht more urgently. For the Sanierung des Bahnnetzes zum Beispiel.