  • January 22, 2025
Is GTA 6 coming to 2025? Insider power ready Ansage

Is GTA 6 coming to 2025? Insider power ready Ansage

If the Take-Two-Chef is relatively certain, GTA 6 will be released in the fall of 2025, but the Branchen-Insider Jason Schreier is different. It has been said that it will be shocking if GTA 6 is released even a year later.

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GTA release in der Schwebe? Branchen-Insider will not investigate until 2025

In 11 years the release of GTA 5 is now scheduled for release. Fans of the Reihe lechzen förmlich nach dem Nachfolger and Klammern ich dabei jeden nor so kleine Info- en Geüchtehappen. Abseits vom first Trailer und der Ansage vom Publisher Take-Two, dass GTA 6 in Herbst 2025 erscheinen solland official information is available.

Immerhin hat das Warten bald in the end. Or maybe not? In a podcast there is information about Branchen-Insider Jason Schreier, that is niece davon ausgeht, dass GTA 6 wirklich 2025 erscheint. The next part can be described here:

“I would be shocked if (GTA 6) made a dramatic appearance a few years later. It’s a great experience, but Rockstar-Spiele is still better.

Jason Schreier – Journalist at Bloomberg

Jason Schreier is the inner leader of the industry who deals with various posts that have been written. With others Worten: Seinen Worten can bestow a man in der Regel Glauben.

Robert Kolick

Meine Vermutung: GTA 6 first 2026

Ich teile Schreiers Einschätzung. If the Take-Two-Chef Strauss convinces Zelnick, he will start to think that he is the Open-World-Hit as a Release-Termin in the summer of 2025 nor at least finally shifted all.

Red Dead Redemption 2, GTA 5, GTA 4 – almost like a Rockstar game from a few generations ago. Dass Rockstar is a bit schafft, which Schritt avoids, stops for an unsatisfactory feeling.

If this no longer makes sense, say: Am Ende des Tages is s mir lieber, als noch een weiteres Jahr auf GTA 6 warten muss, dafür dann aber in bombastics and for all rounds Spiel zocken kann, that mir nor etliche Jahre im Medächtnis bleibt.

Robert Kolick

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