  • January 23, 2025
TK report: Besonders jüngere Menschen lead unter Einsamkeit

TK report: Besonders jüngere Menschen lead unter Einsamkeit

For all 18- to 39-year-olds lead here under Einsamkeit, said a representative Umfrage. It is alarming: the lives of young people are coming out of the phase of social withdrawal that no longer lasts. That is often a healthy life in the Folge.

Einsamkeit: It is in the whole general situation that it is all a different human involvement. The kind people, the Reihen, became lighter, humans became more insensitive – and humans became lighter and lighter. It stimulates the sense of humor for many high-minded people. If it is not so, I will die under the Einsamkeit Leiden.

Tatsächlich since those mainly concerned young people between the ages of 18 and 39. 68 Prozent von ihnen sagen, dass sie Einsamkeitsgefühle ken. For the 40 to 59 year olds since 53 Prozent, for the über 60 year olds 52 Prozent. It is the Ergebnis des Final reports der Techniker-Krankenkasse (TK), for the Meinungsforschungsinstitut Forsa 1403 representative of people in all of Germany by telephone befragt hat. It may happen that there is an ‘undesirable reaction, if anyone’s own social policy is not such a shame’.

Of the 68 percent of young people who have known a number of things for years, you have a prozent, a high einsam of you, 17 prozent are manchmal and 46 prozent eher seltener. Dennoch sind diese Zahlen höher as in all other Altersgruppen.

There was no other problem: the young man was no longer affected by a problem, but he was heavily burdened. 36 Prozent der Jüngeren, de Erfungen mit Einsamkeit have, fühlen themselves ereher grim or der sogar sehr grim dadurch burdenet. For people who have changed since 19 Prozent, for the über 60-year-olds 21 Prozent.

For Janosch Schobin, Soziologist from the University of Göttingen and Experte im Kompetenznetzwerk Einsamkeit der Bundesregierung is a warning. “Grundsätzlich ist Einsamkeit als Empfindung nützlich. Neuropsychologists know that it is a study of a study that makes people look at society and gives it impetus, in research into research and new research into bats.’ the power stations of the power stations may be worth it, but the structure of the social networks has been restored.

“Einsamkeitsgefühle sind eigentlich productive, weil sinen impulse setzen, this phase zu überstehen”, so Schobin. “Bei menchen läuft das aber schief. See them always in their own right.” There is a difference in the effects of the pandemic beyond that. “The separation phase in youth can change and expand.”

“Erhöht Risks für Illness”

The Techniker-Krankenkasse, the report which is beautiful, is interesting for the healthy Auswirkungen of Einsamkeit. And it’s gotten tough. People, who manchmal or garhäufig einsam fühlen, suffer significant häufiger under Stress and Erschöpfung, Schlappheit, gedrückter Stimmung, Schlafstörungen and Angsten as People, who rarely or not fühlen einsam. “The assessment is a bit of a constant risk to the mental and physical health of the patient,” said Jens Baas, Head of the TK.

There is a conscious choice, but people are not aware of the consequences of other matters. Before all people are affected, the problem will no longer be solved. Nur 22 Prozent der manlichen befragten, knowing the gefühl der Einsamkeit, am one, that is the most common manchmaal with other people who have reason. Both women since 40 Prozent. Jeder dritte Mann (33 Prozent) und jede fünfte Frau (20 Prozent) has never done anything.

Häufig steckt dahinter offenbar der Wunsch, no one is the last one to have fallen. Once you have had 58 percent of the time, it is no longer possible to say anything. 29 Try it, the fact is it’s a problem. “Es says itself: Einsamkeit ist immer noch een grosses Tabuthema. “It is not a matter of a lifestyle-oriented world, but of the idea of ​​a happy life,” says Baas. “But so can these negative feelings arise, cause stress and lead to serious falls from illness.”

So werteten met 23 Prozent knapp a foursome of the end together Menschen ihre Gesundheit as “schlecht” or “little good”. While it may no longer be the case, there were now 13 Prozent. When the human being is out of reach for a long time, when the illness de Ursache dafür sei, de Menschen sich zurückziehen and einsam became, it is in the new Research-ready Hinweise darauf, that the Einsamkeit itself can be sick machen, as the Soziologist Schobin . ‘Einsamkeit is a stressor, as elementary as hunger or Schmerz. Also a signal, the individual can respond quickly. If it is not safe, the Entstehung starts the best Krankheiten.”

Who can have an effective effect? Ideen dafür unter dies vom Bundesfamilienministerium finanzierte Kompetenznetzwerk Einsamkeit liefern, das ich mit de Ursachen and Folgen von Einsamkeit winstschaftlich auseinandersetzt, Präventionsmaßnahmen bundelt and the Kommunikation dazu vorantreibt. If it’s okay Map the post-leitzahlengenau of the network is of interest to people with all alternative groups, one of the social services you encounter.

A Beispiel since the Frankfurterin Vivien Eller has initiated Frauenspaziergänge “Girls Talking & Walking”, the American Vorbild Mittlerweile in more German Stadt-angeboten were and are interested Frauen spontaneous anschließen. “They are young people between the ages of 25 and 35 – in one way or another, women have no vision and are no longer in clear structures within themselves,” says Eller. “Here you can communicate unconnectedly with others and enjoy contact.”

Political editor Sabine Menkens At WELT it is related to the themes of families, society and education politics.