  • January 15, 2025
Nach der Europameisterschaft: An arrangement concerns Germany for the next turn

Nach der Europameisterschaft: An arrangement concerns Germany for the next turn

Is Germany now a year into the European Championships at Australia’s Nations League final? A message that was sent was hit by a divorce. There must be a national problem with a hereditary clause.

The Deutsche Fußball-Bund (DFB) will be open during the summer of the Final Four of the Nations League (04. to 08. June). This message appeared in the French Zeitung “Le Figaro”. The DFB and the Nationalmannschaft can do more business with a Voraussetzung-erfüllen.

The Nationalmannschaft, the winner of the Vorrundengruppe, has won the Viertelfinal of the Nations League during the Italian competition. The siege of the Viertelfinal has not yet been played in Final-Four, but Turnier is being ausgericht. In the Four Finals (20 and 23 March) the Mannschaften im Hin- und Rückspiel gegeneinander an. The Hinspiel takes place in Mailand, the separate party takes place in Germany for three days. In welchem ​​​​Stadien hat der DFB noch nicht festlegegt.

The official separation takes place in the Australian selection of the Final Four, which comes on the Montag. Dann tags the UEFA Executive Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland and trifft the Wahl über das Gastgeberland.

Find information about the picture of the great DFB interest and the direction of the Turniers in June. Sollte Deutschland makes Italian purchases and the semi-final, while the endgame in the Arena in Munich finds statistics. Continue one week until finals Champions League.

Games in Stuttgart and Munich

The UEFA soll Munich as Australian präferieren, we will thus save a little logistically. If you follow the Final Four title, you can see Stuttgart in battle – both stages can be enjoyed during play. The Nationalmannschaft can look forward to its Quartier im “Homeground” at Partner Adidas in Herzogenaurach.

Neben Deutschland and Italien have two other Länder Interested in Final Four. Portugal and Denmark, the direct Duell-aufeinandertreffen, resembles the Australian situation.

Nach Informationen von “Le Figaro” sind Kroatien und France für die Austragung des Mini-Turniers aus dem Racing.
