  • January 15, 2025
Mord an schwarzem Paar: Erik Sparre soll der wahre Täter sein

Mord an schwarzem Paar: Erik Sparre soll der wahre Täter sein

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Georgia (USA)Doppelmörder verhaftet – Unschuldiger sass roads Tat 20 Jahre

2021 comb a man with the consequences, the roads are ambiguous and a black couple 20 years of innocent einsass. Now we will be satisfied with the results.

Felix Traber
  • I am Mordfall and a black couple in a church is 39 years after the day an urgent tatverdächtiger Mann verhaftet become.

  • The false Alibi and DNA Spuren have disappeared from Erik Sparre as Täter hin.

  • Another person has found an incorrect version of Dennis Perry who has given an innocent 18 year hint to Gittern.

Erik Kristensen Sparre (61) was with Mordes and the schwerer Körperverletzung in Zusammenhang with dem Tötungsdelikt and Harold (66) and Thelma Swain (63) verhaftet, teilte das Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) in a press conference with. Sparre was fast four years after the todlichen Schüssen auf das Ehepaar in the Rising Daughter Baptist Church in Bezirk Camden County, where the Swains watched a Bible study.

If you are left in the middle of one of the Swains’ cases, after the debts of the schluss have been answered, it is true that the man made the mistake.

«I have never lived up to it»

Dennis Perry was convicted of a murder trial in the 2003 war and the Swains were convicted of guilty financing. Ere sich einem sich auf des Verfahren 2020, zu einem zu eine Verfahrens anordnete. While Richter takes on Perry’s history in 2021 in the following years, the Staatsanwaltschaft dies the most.

Seit-lassing with the guilt of Perry’s innocent conviction in the Georgia Innocence Project Zeit with a sweaty woman and some contact with family and friends. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been older,” said Perry of the organization after its launch in 2021. “This association has been running over my head for 20 years, and it’s the only solution that could reach my end without more Machen Muss, dieser schrecklichen Sache accuses zu be.»

DNA is processed by the mutmasslichen Täter

Ermittler and Gerichte revived the fall, after the Georgia Innocence Project tested Haaren’s DNA, while the Hinge would receive brilliant financing, which was not the Leichen der Opfer. If you know that the DNA was spread by the Sparre, it is a real truthful galt, and no longer by the von Perry.

Under the message of the «Atlanta Journal-Constitution», the Alibi of Sparre, is the murder of morality in a life-threatening situation, which cannot give impetus. If the company can no longer be used, one of the most important Belastungszeugin Perry will receive a Belohnung of 12,000 Dollars, before he goes out: A woman is from the police 1986, that’s how it is, who died for the phone.

Laut GBI wurde Sparre in de Wohnort Waynesville-verhaftet en ins Gefängnis von Camden County. Nun wurde is wegweifachen Mordes und zweifacher schwerer Körperverletzung angeklagt. The best part is that Tat. The fact that processing has been carried out is not possible.

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