  • January 14, 2025
EU Abgeordnete warns of reforms for EU Gelder – Euractiv DE

EU Abgeordnete warns of reforms for EU Gelder – Euractiv DE

The co-representative of the EU parliaments for the next EU Haushalt warned against the persecution of the “vague” Konditionalitäten. The EU-Geldern government with national structural reforms can incorporate the “Prinzip of Solidarität” into the Kohäsionspolitik of the Union.

The most recent EU Haushalt, the Rule for a Zeitraum of seven years, gold plated, from 2028 in Kraft paper. The transactions will start in 2025 and the EU-Commission bis the Mitte des Jahres a first Vorschlag for the more Finanzrahmen (MFR) last week.

Sowohl dies Commission like ouch which Mitgliedstaaten It is a fact that the European Union and the “Structural Reforms” have developed because they are in the Regulation of the political maßnahmen that view the Wirtschaftsbedingungen. Both of them are responsible for dealing with the parliamentary proceedings at the Mittwoch (11 December).

Siegfried Mureșan, Verhandlungsführer of the conservative EPP, said gegenüber Journalisten in Brüssel, says “the Kohäsionspolitik on the Prinzip der Solidarität beruht, and it will probably no longer be intrigued”.

“Wir wollen nicht, dass die Zahlungen an Landwirte ausgesetzt were, wenn a Regierung keine Rentenreform durchführt“, he said in hindzu. “Diese Konditionalität is not the best, but it is starting to go well,” so the Rumänische Politiker continues.

The Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik (GAP), the leadership and the country change, is the major American posts of the EU, followed by regional and social programs, which as cosmic politics can be regarded as both jewels and a Drittel of the EU-Ausgaben.

The more financial results for the period 2020–2027 amounted to 1.2 billion euros and were a product of the EU’s Gross Domestic Products (GDP).

Mureșan zufolge müssen from the 650 Billion Euros were delivered Corona-Wiederaufbaufonds (ARF) “Lehren were sucked”. „Präzise Reformen“ is hereditary, concrete there, „no problem with regard to reforms and investments“.

Die sogenannte Aufbau- und Resilienzfazilität follows a sogenannten “Leistungsbasierten” Ansatzin the reform of the EU and the national direction of the reformist power struggle. The festivities of the inner state unions of national plans for the 27 EU-Länder, an Ansatz, and the EU-Kommission are now in the regulations long-lasting EU-Haushalt wiederholen was allowed.

Carla Tavares, representative of Social Democracy (S&D), argues that the regulation of the EU-Ausgaben in the gegensatz zum wiederaufbaufonds says that it is “not as good as the end beginning”. I think this is often the case with the financing of the Konjunktur Fund, but it is often the case that the end of the service is reached.

“I am a financial financier who is the local population who is present,” was a machen würde zu entscheiden, “was für all Gemeinschaften better ist,” said Tavares.

If you do this, it is worth calling on the construction and resilient “gute Dinge”, who could be drawn into the fray for the regulated EU house.

Both messages made a first attempt at positions of the EU parliaments in January 2025. It is still not the case that the term of office of the EU executive will last a few more years.

The latest funding from the EU state would see a recommendation and a decision from the EU Parliament with absolutely better best results. Dafür müssen mindestens 361 Abgeordnete dafür stimmen.

Laut polnischen Regierungsvertretern has the Commission first in the summer of 2025, also with the dänischen Präsidentschaft, for, Vorschläge vorzulegen. Dennoch ist Poland In the meantime, a conference on the next EU House will be organized in February 2025 in Warsaw in February 2025.

Mureşan says that the prime ministers now have an interesting state interest in the net position. The EU Parliament was of the opinion that “the European Ansatz and the Ansatz with europäischem Morerwert zu veridigen”.

(Bearbeitet by Anna Brunetti/Owen Morgan/Kjeld Neubert)