  • January 15, 2025
Statt PowerPoint: Go to Dropbox for “Memo-first” meetings

Statt PowerPoint: Go to Dropbox for “Memo-first” meetings

Statt PowerPoint: Go to Dropbox for “Memo-first” meetings

PowerPoint presentations are not available at Amazon Meetings.
Getty/Gareth Cattermole

  • Dropbox is an initiative of Amazon, if it becomes a Meetings.
  • These components are used in Meetings Memos, which are read and discussed throughout the content.
  • Amazon’s Jeff Bezos has made PowerPoint presentations verboten in the previous presentations and statutory sechsseitige memos.

Jeff BezosRules for Meetings at Amazon are a path to Dropbox-funding. Der Dropbox CEO Drew Houston said he has announced the “Memo-first” culture for meetings. It is clear that Dropbox Memos uses gegenüber Slideshows:

„We were all fine in a meeting, in your person a presentation stop and man who read the Folie, aber darauf warten muss, that the Person mündlich aufholt, oder yourmand unterbricht and presents a Frage, aber the Frage was a few Folien später savory,” said one of them Freitag clearance lights Episode des Podcasts The Logan Bartlett Show.

Man can pay more attention to the presentation while inhaling

“Some other person is aware of the presentation format that can be discussed in the context of the person, with the man in an effective way of speaking..” Houston is more than happy with the discussions, which can be discussed on PowerPoint presentations, more about the presentation if you can get the inhaler.

“Who ends his man of the presentation depends on the quarrel as the tension of the Vortragenden, your presentation and with the feeling that you think. The functionality of the features is good, but a higher bit rate is more likely, but most people can read better if they are higher.”

Bezos favors separate Memos

Die Abneigung des Amazon Gründers Bezos made presentations and PowerPoint presentations in the summer of 2004, if there is any description of the verbally published text. Statistical data is one of the ‘narrative structures’ Memo, the story of the beginning of the session is another lesson.

Bezos has said it is a useful document and a chaotic one Meeting“It’s allowed and those are memos, we’ll get through to that shit, “a number of schlampiges think in acquired points will be lost.”

Fallbeispiel: Dropbox meetings

At Dropbox, the document of the meetings has started and lasts 20 minutes, and die Mitarbeiter hinterwelding in Dropbox Paper Inline comment, so Houston, from the latest knowledge, which has reached the end of the previous formula, is that the content of the treatment and a review is a good solution.

Statt vaguer und unzusammenhängender Zusammenhänge „hat plötzlich jeder dieselbe Art von hochauflösender 4K-Ansicht dessen, werüber wir sprechen, was der Plan ist, en Sie winst, dass jeder diese Art von Faktengrundlage hat. If it is super efficient, then the man can be at 15, 20 Leute in a Raum and it has never been so efficient,” er says.

“In that time or 20 minutes a man can get a download for your money in a stunde, in the man who no longer wants to speak and does not want to focus.” On the other hand, the author is certainly of his time.

This is an efficient tool, the Meetingergebnisse writing festivities

“It is a matter of the author, of the reader, aber das is one of the best compromises, including in a bigger picture UnternehmenWeil es fell mehr Leser als Autoren gibt“, he commented. “It is often more efficient for the Leuten to lose some of the truth if they talk to each other verbally.”

Another problem, so Houston, is that the Leute “irgendwie vergessen, dass der Sinn der Erzählung darin besteht, die Arbeit zu erleichttern, en nicht darin, de Erzählung zu schreiben.” “If the Leute vor der Besprechung eine Vorbesprechung abhalten and it is a Menge Bürokratie one of the documents here, then one can lose the Faden on this Weise,” says it.