  • January 13, 2025
Fußball-Bundesliga – Drewes von Feuerzeug affected: Bochum puts Einspruch ein – Sport

Fußball-Bundesliga – Drewes von Feuerzeug affected: Bochum puts Einspruch ein – Sport

Berlin (dpa) – Der Eklat one of the ideas of Bochum’s Torwart Patrick Drewes has had a nachspiel. The VfL wants the Wertung des Bundesliga-Spiels (1:1) beim 1. FC Union Berlin lonely. This was done at Montag, Geschäftsführer Ilja Kaenzig and. “If you no longer see the game, it’s not over.”

The game represents the summary. (Photo: Andreas Gora/dpa)

The party’s war lasted for more than 25 minutes until the end after Drewes waged a war against the Union-Block. Nach Angaben von Union-Pressesprecher Christian Arbeit war is een Feuerzeug. Der Täter ist nach Angaben von Unions Geschäftsführer Profifußball Horst Heldt und Arbeit ermittelt en der Polizei übergeben zijn.

Both Mannschaften play nur noch den Ball zur

The Bochumer went on the field at the end of a protest, which Kaenzig made clear. Drewes war nicht meer in der Lage Weiterzuspielen. Der 31-Jährige wurde gestützt vom Feld.

After Angaben von Trainer Dieter Hecking was taken into the cabin and taken to the hospital. “I am in kein Arzt. We must accept that,” said Hecking. Because the VfL was no longer able to do so, Stürmer Philipp Hofmann joined Tor.

“That is a whole experience,” said Hofmann about the Werfen des Gegenstandes von der Tribüne. “That is damage to the Club, but it is actually a more sympathetic community.”

No Angriffspakt for wiederanpfiff both Teams

Both teams started playing the ball more and more with the ball down, but now not with it anymore. “We live in the Schiri-Kabine sister-in-law,” said Hecking. “Dann kam der Vorschlag, the game is only the end of the game. With a non-Angriff package, so whoever plays is it.” And there is concrete, which is now dying under the protest of the Bochumer.

“Both people are prepared to play more than their own games. The security authorities have done my advantage, the security of the game is gewährleistet ist,” began Schiedsrichter Martin Petersen at the Sky Seine Entscheidung das Spiel fortzusetzen. A purchased Feuerzeug has been secured.

Der Torwart was discussed for a long time. (Photo: Andreas Gora/dpa)

Stadionprecher Christian Arbeit appealed and the fans, no more situations on site. The Berliner fans have taken to Drewe’s comments about their high expectations. The Berliner Spieler went to Abpfiff straight into the closet and no longer with the fans.

“If you look at it all, it’s not like it’s a little bit,” Heldt said. “It is the leader of Gottes, who has a passion to do something guilty. It’s a bit – if it doesn’t work out, it comes out of the Frage. If we never start again, the tribunal will be sold.”

The party war lasts less than 25 minutes. (Photo: Andreas Gora/dpa)

Bochum waits for more in Sieg

While the Zwischenfall lies in the background, the Bundesliga Schlusslicht remains longer. In front of 22,012 Zuschauern and Zuschauerinnen, Koji Miyoshi made a mistake in the 13. Minutes of the Rote Karte. Ibrahima Sissoko brought the VfL into Führung (23.). Benedict Hollerbach (33.) glich aus.

Bochum has started pouring in the first results in the tabulating and current seasonal mountain ranges since 16 League games auf a Sieg. Play a game before the winter break in Bochum in the Wochenende Heidenheim.

Union has not won eight Pflichtspiels since. The good Saisonstart of Mannschaft von Bo Svensson is elongated. “That was not good and yet enttäuschend,” said der Däne. The Berliners lived in Vorjahr in the Abstiegskampf zu rutschen. Zum Jahresabschluss treten die Eisernen bei Werder Bremen an.

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