  • January 13, 2025
Secure coding: CWE 1123 – Avoid self-modified code

Secure coding: CWE 1123 – Avoid self-modified code

If you change the code yourself, your own data may be changed. These precautions go into the practice of the past, and it is reflected on the automatic adjustment or the optimization of the codes. It is worth using the verbunden – the part is erheblichen – Risks and Herausforderungen in Allgemeinen nicht eeneingeschränkt empfehlenswert. The interrogation of Java-Entwicklerinnen and -Entwickler is the Verwendung of the self-modified Code designed, which makes it easier to use the previous, Lesbarkeit and Wartbarkeit of the Code base. Allow the Java programming language to change without making the code native. The Common Weakness Enumeration CWE-1123 (Excessive Use of Self-Modifying Code) describes the results of the gefahren.


Since 1996, Sven has been programming Java in Industrial projects and for 15 years in the industry at Automobil, Raumfahrt, Versicherungen, Banken, UN and Weltbank. For the past 10 years, America has been in Neuseeland as a speaker at conferences and community events, as a Developer Advocate for JFrog and Vaadin and regularly writes articles for IT-Zeitschrifts and Technology Portale. The main theme Core Java was developed with TDD and Secure Coding Practices.

Unforgettable Stories: Selecting the code allows a program to be run, Fehlern’s diagnosis and behavior to be performed.

Safety luck: Code, which itself is sold, can create an attack vector for various attacks, including injections and malware.

Wartungswierigkeit: Solcher Code is a lesson and a reinforcement, was the wartung and actualization erschwert.

Leistungsproblem: If you select a different code, it can be used by the other partner and the interpretation of the Laufzeit of the Leistungseinbußen führen.

Dynamic Class Loading: Java is easy to load from Classes to Launch Time with the Mechanisms with Reflection or used Class Loader. When the dynamic load of classes is a non-grundsätzliche clothing or an error, an excessive or offensive rendering of one of many different versions can be performed.

Bytecode manipulation: Die Verwendung von Libraries wie ASM or Javassist (Java Programming Assistant) can be run with the Java Bytecodes in the Laufzeit, if the code itself is displayed. If the practice is urgently curtailed, this is the case.

Reflection: Obwohl Reflection is a leistungsstarke function, can become a miss, and a private field, methods or classes of others. If you want to read a message you need to do the following and debug it.

Codebeispiel for risky self-modified versions in Java with bytecode manipulation:

import javassist.ClassPool;
import javassist.CtClass;
import javassist.CtMethod;
public class SelfModifyingExample {
 public static void main(String() args) {
   try {
     ClassPool pool = ClassPool.getDefault();
     CtClass cc = pool.get("TargetClass");
     CtMethod m = cc.getDeclaredMethod("targetMethod");
     m.insertBefore("{ System.out.println(\"Method modified at runtime\"); }");
     TargetClass target = new TargetClass();
   } catch (Exception e) {
class TargetClass {
 public void targetMethod() {
   System.out.println("Original method execution");

Would die in that Beispiel TargetClass-Method targetMethod zur Laufzeit went, een zeetzliche print-Anweisung einzuschließen. A single negotiation can increase the risk of risk.

Vermeiden von Änderungen am Laufzeitcode: Make sure that the system is set up in such a way that the notification of the Änderungen in the Laufzeitcode is minimal or eliminated.

Designmuster uses: Set these Entwurfsmuster wie Strategy or Zustandsmuster ein, de Verhaltensänderungen ermöglichen, ohne the Code zur Laufzeit zu ändern.

Richter Einsatz von Reflectie: Set reflection sparsam ein – more ideal now thann, wenn no other practical solution exists. Documentation of the Verwendung-sorgfältig.

Static Code Analysis: Spoiled static Code Analysis tools, a way to change the code yourself, recognizes and prevents.

The superior use of self-modified Code in Java creates risks, safety, security and security of interaction. During the introduction of the best practices and the pampering of entrepreneurs, the flexibility and the customization options, the code with the launch of the ändern, welding with the CWE-1123 verbunden Fallstricke-avoided.

Reflection on Java ermöglicht die Selbstbeobachtung und Manipulation door Klassen, Feldern, Methoden und Konstruktoren zur Laufzeit. A clearer, bigger or bigger problem is the reflection of Reflection which can be changed in the CWE-1123 by changing the code yourself. Problems may arise regarding problems, absenteeism and war problems.

Following the Code Beispiel demonstrates the ultimate Einsatz von Reflection zur Änderung des Verhaltens a Klasse zur Laufzeit – was if a Form of itself änderndem Code can be deployed:

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
public class ReflectionExample {
 public static void main(String() args) {
   try {
// Original object creation
     MyClass original = new MyClass();
// Using reflection to modify the behavior at runtime
     Class> clazz = Class.forName("MyClass");
     Method method = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("setMessage", String.class);
// Modify the private field value using reflection
     Field field = clazz.getDeclaredField("message");
     field.set(original, "Modified message");
// Verify the modification
   } catch (Exception e) {
class MyClass {
 private String message = "Original message";
 public void printMessage() {
 private void setMessage(String message) {
   this.message = message;

Die ReflectionExample-Class: Erstellt een Instanz von MyClass and prints the ursprüngliche Nachricht. The use of Reflection, a private field aim and the private method setMessage von MyClass anzupassen. Anschließend wird der Wert des Nachrichtenfelds geändert und de geänderte Nachricht gedruckt.

This description said that Reflection das Verhalten und de Zustand could be an object of the Laufzeit, which solved problems in CWE-1123.

Reduced strategies for reflection

Spoiled by Reflection minimizes: Avoiding Sie Reflection, and that is what it is, is a disordered hereditary order. If you want to do an alternative research, the flexibility is possible, regardless of the Code zur Laufzeit zu ändern.

Suction control: Suppose you, as Felder and Methoden, are left with no money left, after you privately and finally put an end to it, an uncontrolled Zugriff that hinders you.

Static Analysis Tools: Spoiled with static analysis tools, over-analysis of Reflection and other risky practices in the code base to acknowledge.

Code überprüfungen: If you perform gründliche tests of codes, it is a treat that the code itself has changed by recognizing and accepting reflection.

Reflection is a leistungsstarkes tool in Java, which Missbrauch can use with CWE-1123 verbunden Risiken führen. During the implementation of the best practices and the minimum implementation of reflection on the code of the Laufzeit, Entwicklerinnen and Entwickler de Sicherheit, Vorhersehbarkeit and Wartbarkeit can be assessed by the judge.

Under the dynamic Laden von Klassen, man on Java versteht de Möglichkeit, Classes zur Laufzeit zu laden and wieder zu inladen. Während dies in die best Situation auf dem Gerät sich auf dem Gerät, und die CWE-1123 sich dass Gerät sich das Gerät unserene Representation, Sicherheitslücken und Wartungproblems.

Das Codebeispiel demonstrates the superior aspects of the dynamically charged nature of the story in a class of praise:

public class DynamicClassLoadingExample {
 public static void main(String() args) {
   try {
// Load the original class
     ClassLoader classLoader = DynamicClassLoadingExample.class.getClassLoader();
     Class> loadedClass = classLoader.loadClass("MyClass");
// Create an instance of the loaded class
     Object instance = loadedClass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
// Invoke the original method
// Dynamically load the modified class
     classLoader = new CustomClassLoader();
     loadedClass = classLoader.loadClass("ModifiedClass");
// Create an instance of the modified class
     instance = loadedClass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
// Invoke the modified method
   } catch (Exception e) {
// Original class definition
class MyClass {
 public void printMessage() {
   System.out.println("Original message");
// Custom class loader to simulate loading a modified class
class CustomClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
 public Class> loadClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
   if ("ModifiedClass".equals(name)) {
// Define a modified version of MyClass at runtime
     String modifiedClassName = "ModifiedClass";
     String modifiedClassBody = "public class " + modifiedClassName + " {" +
         "    public void printMessage() {" +
         "        System.out.println(\"Modified message\");" +
         "    }" +
     byte() classData = compileClass(modifiedClassName, modifiedClassBody);
     return defineClass(modifiedClassName, classData, 0, classData.length);
   return super.loadClass(name);
 private byte() compileClass(String className, String classBody) {
// Simulate compiling the class body into bytecode (in a real scenario, use a compiler API)
// This is a placeholder for demonstration purposes
   return classBody.getBytes();

Die DynamicClassLoadingExample-Class: You have an Original class MyClass and rustles printMessage-Method op. Use the following definitions: Class Loader dynamically creates a modified version of the class: ModifiedClass. Nun erstellt a moment of class and trouble printMessage-Method of applying another targeted pressure.

Reduced Strategies for Dynamic Loading of Classes

Avoiding the Dynamic Loads of Classes: Spoiled If you now have the dynamic load of classes, then the hereditary order light is no longer suitable for other entrepreneurs.

Sichere Class loader: Suppose it is the case that the Class Loader used is not a trade-off or a bad Class Load.

Static Analysis Tools: Spoiled with static analysis tools, one of the most dynamic analyzes of classes and other risky practices in the code base to acknowledge.

Code überprüfungen: If you use green codes, the self-invented code is spoiled by the dynamic load of classes that identify themselves and are finished.