  • January 23, 2025
“Putin is the Feind of the Landes”

“Putin is the Feind of the Landes”

News to follow

The war in Russia was for Kurzem a wichiger Verbündeter Armeniens. But it fell for all young Armenians who had more lust for Putin and Russia. Debt is a Krieg.

Tobias Schibilla reports from Eriwan

The Smog hangs in Eriwan. Konzentriert lends Taxifahrer Artjom signals the Toyota through traffic traffic in the engen Straßen der Armenian Hauptstadt. “Here heizes the people with a hole,” it reads. “Deshalb could be a man in winter, so we don’t see it.” Weißer Rauch comes from the Schornsteinen der Häuser, there is a party in the Wohnblöcken. Cars in the Nähe der Häuser parks are covered with a small Ascheschicht. The Sichtweite starts from 50 meters.

In April 2022, Artjom nach Armenien is a walker. Ownership comes from the Russian Schwarzmeermetropole Sochi, which is a Wirtschaftswissenschaften studyrt. But when Putin operates in Ukraine in February 2022, he will flourish at the age of 26. “Wladimir Putin no longer made me sick,” he said. “Russia and the Soviet Union are a bit ahead of the Frieden in the world, but that’s the past.”

Artyom is not one of the things being watched in the South Caucasus, the Kriegsdienst is there. From 100,000 people the beginning of Russian anger at Ukraine came after Armenia – the Gründe dafür is probably: One, with art, wollen der Einberufung zum Krieg entgehen. Other people see in the South Caucasus an opportunity, a money they make. European Union sanctions have changed Armenia if Russia is unable to act.

The West and the Small Caucasus Republic will continue for some time. For Armenia it is like this: the European Union is one of the most important trading partners – the mittlerweile is the major export market of the countries in Russia. In a few years, Europe and Russia will be separated. It said that it was in the Wirtschaftswachstum: Seit dem Russian Angriff auf die Ukraine in Year 2022 wächst de Armenian Wirtschaft in Schnitt um 10,5 Prozent pro Jahr.

Gleichzeitig entfernt sich Armenian von Russland. Grund dafür ist aber weniger der Ukraine-Krieg als Russland’s Role in another Krieg: dem zischen Armenian und Aserbaidschan.

Viele Armenians fühlen ich von Russland verraten

Politikwissenschaftler Narek Sukiasyan has been blamed for “attacking Armenians in Russia”. After Aserbaids de Krieg played in a third of the Armenian state territories in 2020, a smaller annexation will follow in 2022. Russia, which is waging a war against the Schutzmacht Armenians, starts its war and liesß Aserbaidschan gewähren. If this happens, it will be a break with Russia and their West-Swedes for all young Armenians.

So oh Maria. Die Armenierin studied at the American Universität Armenians Kunst. “I am passionate about Russian culture, love Russian music, literature, cinema,” he said. Politics sees Russia as an enemy of Turkey or Aserbaidchan. “Auch Putin ist der Feind unseres Landes.”

If all goes well, Armenia will be a member of the West again. “We are passionate about it, we can be a people, a freer country,” he said. After the students started working, Wladimir Putin carried out a process of colonialization of the ehemalige republican vorantreibt. “If it is possible, see a schrecklichen Kriegsverbrechen, the Russia in the Ukraine arises.” If you are looking for any country in the world, Aserbaids becomes very scared.

Mit der Sorge, Mary is not alone. A political issue dealing with the power of citizens is a matter of anger in Armenia. Seit 2022 Ruht Armeniens Mitgliedschaft in der Organization des Vertrags über kollektive Sicherheit (OVKS) – virtually the NATO of the former Soviet states. “Armenien fins sich dass sie sich dass posición, in den siecherheitsarchitektur sich hånge und neue noch non-aufgebautt,” says Sukiasyan. If the fall is a fact, attention is paid to it: “I am so sorry for my sorrow, that the Armenian people are isolated in their own country with pro-Western ambitions in the South Caucasus.”